
“We are inspired by the romantic but utterly achievable goal of living a sustainable & creative lifestyle whilst nurturing the different projects we are passionate about.

We love that we can create beautiful spaces for others to live & travel in, to explore the world & get back into their own beautiful space every night, have a hot shower and cosy up.

We’ve always traveled the world and have loved waking up in new places, adventuring off the beaten track and not knowing where our journey would take us. When we reached Australia a few years ago, we decided that living in a campervan would allow us to live and get lost in the nature, without having to find a place to stay each night. We built our first camper and loved this experience so much that we did it again in Scandanavia. Each time our builds became more sophisticated and we learnt what worked for tiny living and what didn’t. Fast forward a few years and we think we’ve really got it down.


talib saleh

Talib is a documentary & portrait photographer from the UK but now a self-taught carpenter, plumber, electrician and everything-to-do-with-campervans kinda guy.

With a background in travel and interior photography, his travels led him to build tiny homes on wheels and co-create Indigo & Olive, a platform for sharing all.

The focus of the last few years has been creating beautiful campervan conversions, something we’ve loved diving into.

For Personal Work Visit www.talibsaleh.com

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Chloe massey

Chloe received a 1st Class Degree in Photographic Studies & has since been working on personal & professional projects. Her work is driven by story telling & female empowerment, which she has traveled the world to create.

Since creating their own tiny home on wheels, Chloe is excited to help build this way of life for others, something that now seems so relevant and necessary.

For Personal Work Visit www.chloemasseyphotography.com